The facts - whether they are fun or not is up to you.
Stacey Roberts is first and foremost a nerd.
The kind of nerd who...
was banned for life from Little League baseball after one season. ​
who started reading heavy historical tomes at age nine, after which his favorite topics of conversation became how George Washington started the French and Indian War and the type of cheese John D. Rockefeller was addicted to.
The kind of nerd who...
Has not only one degree but two in history! ​
Realized there is only one thing to make a man nerdier... IT work.
Started his own IT company in 1994 and has been a reluctant sellout since.
The kind of nerd who...
Released his pent-up history-nerd information in podcast form, "History's Trainwrecks." (Which, if 2022 has taught us anything that is that every man should have a podcast.)​
Realized the only thing that is better than one podcast is a second podcast! Enter "I'm Not Allowed to Watch the News Podcast."
But Stacey Roberts is also human and comes with the expected societal accoutrement.
A loving wife whom he married in 2016 and who gave him two sons to go with his two daughters.
Two adorable doodles, who get away with everything.